The Good Old Past, Present and Future
by Elizabeth Kanabe
At a recent meeting that I was sent to for my job, we got to talk with the others at our table during breaks. At lunchtime, an all too familiar conversation started up about the new versus the old days. What used to be "we didn’t have T.V. back then" and "I used to walk three miles to school, each way, uphill…" now became "we didn’t need the yearly trips to exotic islands" and "we didn’t need three cars per household" back then. "Children were content back then playing baseball around the corner and going camping for vacation without the Internet and video games." (Read more...)
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Rockets Red Tape
by Kernon Gibes
It's a magnificent sight. For some, nothing else comes close. Even the most ardent anti-government program free market radical often has a soft spot for it. Ayn Rand did. What is it? (Read more...)
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Independence Day is Renaissance Day
by Craig Ceely
Independence is the only path to excellence, the only source of a Second Renaissance. (Read more...)
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Small Miracles
by Elizabeth Kanabe
It is easier to blame “human nature”, government and an evil company and expect change to occur on a large scale than to rebuild from the individual. (Read more...)
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PI editorial, Mon June 17
by Lindsay Perigo
If the kiwi's survival depends on the outcome of stoats vs sandal-wearers, then it's a goner, for sure. (Read more...)
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PI Editorial, Wed June 5
by Lindsay Perigo
In setting SOLO up, I promised, among many other things, to confront Objectivism with its history on this matter. Thanks to Chris Matthew Sciabarra - & heedless of the likes of Reuben Chapple - I have made good on that promise. (Read more...)
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 Forty-Two Will Do
by Anton Kelly
Many mystics believe the nonsense that they do because they think that life, the universe and everything is so fantastic and complex that it must have been designed and created by a supremely complex and intelligent being. (Read more...)
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PI Editorial. Wed May 29
by Lindsay Perigo
Actually, I don't regard remaining "emotionally neutral" about the issues philosophy deals with as "positive" at all. That's a Mr. Spock view of philosophy which is a perfect example of the reason/passion dichotomy that SOLO exists, in part, to counter. (Read more...)
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PI editorial, Tues May 28
by Lindsay Perigo
In my list of personal heroes on SOLO's Capturing the Spirit page I included the name of Malcolm Muggeridge. The page had been up barely a week before some indignant person was demanding to know how I could rank such a dreadful religionist among the people I look up to. That's easy. (Read more...)
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PI editorial, Mon May 27
by Lindsay Perigo
Problem is, in the game of life, this emphasis on the "team" becomes an enforced subordination of the individual to "society." (Read more...)
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PI editorial, Fri May 10
by Lindsay Perigo
One of the sideshows in the circus that is New Zealand politics at the moment is "Paintgate" - the Prime Minister's art forgeries. Helen Clark put her signature on paintings done by others - in some cases members of her staff - for charities who would auction them as the Prime Minister's very own handiwork. Now, the police are investigating her for fraud. (Read more...)
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PI editorial, Thurs May 9
by Lindsay Perigo
I've just heard of Pim Fortuyn for the first time.He is, or was, a Dutch politician. He's just been shot dead. (Read more...)
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 Soaring SOLO
by Lindsay Perigo
Well, we did it. Just a year after its formation, SOLO scored its first international conference at the Waitomo Caves Hotel, New Zealand. (Read more...)
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 Singing Solo
by Lindsay Perigo
This is a call to arms, to rebellion; a call to move forward to the next stage of human evolution & step out of the primordial swamp of the cultural status quo. It is an invitation to enlist with SOLO - Sense of Life Objectivists. (Read more...)
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 Reality Check
by Lindsay Perigo
The title of my speech tonight is "Reality Check." I want to take stock, to identify fallacies & pointers that have emerged over the years, to give you all something to think about as we carry the battle forward. And carry it forward we must - I for one have no intention of folding the tent. (Read more...)
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 The Bridge that Couldn’t Be Built
by David C. Adams
They said it could not be done. The strait between San Francisco and the Marin headlands is three miles long and a mile wide, and here the frigid Pacific water rushes violently into the bay, swept above by fog and rarely-ceasing wind. (Read more...)
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 The Greatest of Handicaps
by Larry Sechrest
I would like to tell you about one of the most remarkable, and most lovable, persons I have ever known. His name was Mike Mazero, and I hope the quality of his character will touch you as deeply as it has me. (Read more...)
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 Nautical Paradox
by Larry Sechrest
I have been passionately attracted to all manner of sailing ships and sailboats virtually as long as I can remember. I have always wanted to know how they performed, how they were designed and constructed, how they were sailed, and what roles they had played in history. Sailing vessels are, to me, the most interesting of all machines. (Read more...)
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 Nourishing The Best Within
by Cameron Pritchard
As a seventeen-year-old observing the ways of the world it often saddens me to see the jaded view of life held by many older people. Any hot-headed and idealistic teenager will find his passionate convictions about the way the world should be dismissed as youthful naiveté. Apparently ideas are something you are supposed to just "grow out of" when you enter the "real" world. (Read more...)
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